There is a gap in the world of start-ups and business growth incubators. On one side of the opening are venture capitalists who provide support in funding but offer very little strategic guidance or advisory support. And on the other side, some consultants and advisors provide support in the form of advice and direction but offer very little execution or operational support. This gap leaves businesses in the middle with either capital to spend but no clarity on where to finish it or a grand plan of what needs to be done but no resources to get it done.
At Aegis Foundry, our mission is to bridge this gap by providing a unique blend of outsourced strategic and operational services that help businesses build, operate, and grow.
When you’re beginning to build a technology business, one of the biggest challenges is finding the right partner to help you develop your product and go-to-market strategy. Aegis demystifies this process by being a one-stop-shop of professional resources that focuses on developing rock-solid technology and scalable procedures and techniques tailored to your business. We work with each client to develop the tools their business needs for long-term success and provide resources to help fill gaps from product development to day-to-day resources without adding the total cost of the necessary headcount.
Under the guidance of our expert team, we can:
Build and modify enterprise-level applications and systems
Create Business Plans and Strategy Roadmaps
Implement IT Solutions and Automated Processes
Refine Operations Management
Define Product Realization/Productization
Execute Go-To-Market Strategies
Determine Pricing Structures
In addition to our outsourced build solutions, Aegis also offers our Aegis Lab—a collaborative space for companies to meet and work together to foster innovation and success.
Operational burn-out is one of the common complaints of business leaders. The day-to-day burdens of IT, Sales, HR, and accounting can derail progress. Aegis specializes in providing strategic sales and technical support and sourcing and managing Legal, Accounting, and HR support services for operating businesses. Crafted as individualized packages based on your company needs, we can provide resources to the level you need them, allowing you to avoid the cost of total headcount until required. So, whether you need HR support to bring in the best-of-the-best employees or a legal team to ensure all business practices are being upheld, we connect strategic guidance with operational action, which means for things that are within your wheelhouse, we can teach you how to fish and for items outside of your capabilities we go fishing for you.
Customized to your business needs, outsourced operational solutions include:
Sales Management and Augmentation
Accounting and Bookkeeping
Operations Management
Managing business growth is a high-wire act for most businesses—when to hire, expand office space, or where we will be in a year? When helping companies grow, Aegis focuses on long-term strategic planning but always couples planning with actionable, executional support. From sales and marketing guidance to when-to-hire decisions, we help businesses break through plateaus and realize more significant levels of success.
Our growth experts can lead you through:
Growth Planning
Product Expansion
Sales Processes and Execution
Investor Solicitations
Exit Strategies